PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | hfrc@united-church.ca
green stained glass of a church 652 px

GC45 is quickly approaching, and with it the deadlines for Regional Councils to submit proposals.  At the fall meeting of Horseshoe Falls Regional Council we will be taking time to look at proposals which have come to HFRC to be considered to be passed along to GC45.  More information about what a proposal looks like can be found on our website here: https://hfrcucc.ca/general-council-45/

We would like to give the members of the Regional Council time to review any proposal that is to come before them this fall, so deadlines to have proposals in to be considered for GC45 is two weeks before the meeting. The deadline for Horseshoe Falls is Friday Sept 20th.

Executive Minister

Horseshoe Falls Regional Council

Questions: MLaird@united-church.ca

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