PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | hfrc@united-church.ca

We are an Affirming Regional Council


Affirming is more than welcoming 2SLGBTQ+ people in our faith communities.  It’s about living each day growing and supporting these communities in every way we can as Jesus taught us to do.


Watch our Affirming Ministry CelebrationRead more about what it means to be Affirming

Why are we Affirming?

We work for the full inclusion of people of all gender identities and sexual orientations across Antler River Watershed, Horseshoe Falls, Western Ontario Waterways Regional Councils, the United Church of Canada and in our faith communities and society.

Click here for the Affirm Action Plan

affirm symbolAffirm United/ S’affirmer Ensemble works for the full inclusion of people of all gender identities  and sexual orientations in the United Church of Canada and in society.


Affirm United draws strength and hope from biblical stories of liberation; from the prophetic call to live justly, love tenderly, and walk humbly with God; and from Jesus’ witness to God’s inclusive love.


They are a voice and a support for people of all sexualities and gender identities and expressions, and help ministries become truly welcoming safer sacred spaces through the Affirming ministries program.

Membership and participation are open to people of all gender identities and sexualities.

For a list of all Affirming Ministries in Ontario click here.

Tri- Region Affirm Network Resources:

Pride Safety Guide:

The Pride Safety guide has been developed for congregations, camps and other ministries

Click the link to this guide that will give you some things to consider when preparing for Pride and related events.

Two versions. There is a colour version to post online or to print in colour, and a B&W version for regular photocopying.

Affirming Network Support Package

Becoming an Affirming Ministry?


For more information about Affirming Ministry

Contact: Thérèse Samuel
Thérèse Samuel

Thérèse Samuel

Minister, Right Relations and Social Justice for Antler River Watershed, Western Ontario Waterways and Horseshoe Falls Regional Councils

Phone: 905-659-3343 | 1-833-236-0280
Extension: 9
Email: TSamuel@united-church.ca

Thérèse shares the Social Justice position with the Minister, Social Justice, serving the Mission and Discipleship Commissions and social justice ministries in the region. She also supports Indigenous and Non-Indigenous churches in the region in the work of building right relations.

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