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un climate conference

The United Church, in conjunction with For the Love of Creation, is searching for delegates to form a virtual delegation for the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 26).

The four COP26 goals set by the host countries UK and Italy are a step change in commitments to emissions reduction, strengthening adaptation to climate change impacts, getting finance flowing for climate action and enhancing international collaboration, including for the COP26 campaigns on energy transition, clean road transport and nature.

While participation will be virtual, the delegate participation will mimic as much as possible a full immersive focus.  Participants will be expected to view this as their primary commitment (approx. 5-8 hours per day).

The live program will be over two weeks – Glasgow + 5 hours ahead of ET – October 31 – November 12, 2021.

The exact times for schedule are not confirmed yet.

9:00 am (Glasgow) | 05:30 NT | 05:00 AT | 04:00 ET | 03:00 CT | 02:00 MT | 01:00 PT
Noon (Glasgow) | 08:30 NT | 08:00 AT | 07:00 ET | 06:00 CT | 05:00 MT | 04:00 PT
16:00 (Glasgow) | 12:30 NT | 12:00 AT | 11:00 ET | 10:00 CT | 09:00 MT | 08:00 PT

For more information, and/or to apply to be a delegate, please visit: https://united-church.ca/opportunities/united-nations-climate-change-cop-26-glasgow-virtual-delegation?utm_source=ES_201208&utm_campaign=faa7a0e63e-ES210824&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_3761c5155b-faa7a0e63e-189343735&goal=0_3761c5155b-faa7a0e63e-189343735&mc_cid=faa7a0e63e&mc_eid=bbdb6e7362

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