PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | hfrc@united-church.ca
green stained glass of a church 652 px

Category: Camp & Retreats

  Register Now: Read more about the meeting here: https://mailchi.mp/united-church/spring-meeting-registration-open-june-8-june-10?e=2ff8927242

SPECIAL NOTE: Due to lack of transportation this event has been cancelled. Interested / Questions? Contact me asap. We hope to get a bus load. Contact Kathy Douglas kdouglas@united-church.ca For people in Grades 7 and up (must be accompanied by an adult leader) All costs except for daily spending and meals will be covered.    ...

In the spring of 2022, Kathy Douglas initiated an online meeting for Hamilton area United Churches to talk about sharing a summer Bible-Camp-type program. Steven Barabash, the Community Outreach Leader at Barton Stone Mount Hope United Church in Hamilton, and Pam Byers, the volunteer camp coordinator at Emmanuel United Church in Hamilton, took part and agreed to look at the possibility of Steven doing a program at Emmanuel. The result was a 5-morning Baking and Food Justice Camp at Emmanuel,...

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