PO Box 100, Carlisle, Ontario L0R 1H0 | Phone: 1-833-236-0280 | hfrc@united-church.ca
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Category: Indigenous Justice

From the Desk of the Regional Council Presidents September, 2023 Dear ARW, HF and WOW Regional Councils, We hope this message finds you well and having enjoyed a relaxing and restorative summer. It is with mixed emotions that we announce the resignation of our Executive Minister,  Cheryl-Ann Stadelbauer-Sampa. Cheryl-Ann is currently on a three- month sabbatical, but she will be leaving us in January to begin a two-year contract offered to her by General Secretary Michael Blair. There she will...

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Welcome New Regional Council Staff - John Egger! Partner Program Director at Five Oaks / Minister, Social Justice Five Oaks Executive Director, Michael Shewburg, approached the regional councils to ask if we might be interested in a joint position combining the half-time role of the Partner Program Director at Five Oaks with the half-time role of Minister, Social Justice in the regional councils. We crafted a Ministry Sharing Agreement and submitted two position descriptions for our joint...

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