We’re trying something new. We’re introducing an Ask An Expert series in partnership with the General Council Office. You ask the questions, and we’ll provide the expertise. Who are the experts? Well, it depends on the topic and staff availability. Maybe you want to know more about the insurance partnership between the GCO and Communities of Faith. Or what you do when the local newspaper calls (or when you want to get a good story out). Or what the new government relations officer does. Or...
Category: Uncategorized
The Kaleidoscope Institute presents a Summer Series of learning for Ministry Personnel and Lay Leaders The Kaleidoscope Institute's founder, Eric Law, is the author of Holy Currencies, and many churches have found this a helpful resource and will find the Summer Institute programs invaluable. The Kaleidoscope Institute is offering a Summer Institute intercultural experience on: Liberating Hope: Truth, Connection & Wellness / Esperanza Liberadora: Verdad, Conexión y...