Find a Community of Faith
A Community of Faith is any community of people within the United Church that gathers to explore faith, worship, and to serve, All existing United Church congregations became a community of faith on January 1, 2019. Other ministries that fit this criteria may be named a community of faith if they are within the bounds of the regional council and are willing to enter into a covenantal relationship with the regional council.
From The Manual, 2025, III. Communities of Faith
Clicking on this map will take you to the map prepared with locations of Communities of Faith recognized by the Horseshoe Falls Regional Council. Click on a location in the list or on the map for the available contact information for a Community of Faith.
(Prepared with available information as of September 2019)
To find any United Church congregations, ministers, staff, camps, education centres, pastoral charges, regional councils, senior homes or theological schools use the United Church locator. Click on Filters to narrow your search.