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Wesley United to host Dr. Carol Kilby
November 14, 2021 @ 10:00 am

What Time Is It — Advent or Advent’ure?
“In this climate emergency, our traditional stories from the Hebrew-Christian Bible and the new story from modern science make for powerful dance partners, stronger and more relevant together than apart.” Carol Kilby, Evolutionary Dancer, Out, In, and On the Fringe of the Church
It is with great excitement that Wesley United in Welland announces that they are hosting Rev. Dr. Carol Kilby!
She will share with us her wisdom gleaned from writing her book Evolutionary Dancer; Out, In, and On the Fringe of the Church.
Rev. Kilby will lead us in worship and in a learning circle just before Advent begins, inviting us among other things, to engage in this celebration of anticipation, in the context of 21stC cosmology, as an evolutionary moment for humanity and Christianity. There is no denying that we are experiencing an ecological crisis and there is no better time to turn to our faith for wisdom on next steps. Carol’s book is available for purchase through Amazon.
Evolutionary Dancer: Out, In, and on the Fringe of the Church
The event is called What time is it? Advent or Advent’ure? and it will take place on November 14th, just prior to the beginning of Advent. The worship will begin at 10am and will be broadcast on YouTube Wesley United Church Welland. The afternoon learning circle has limited space but is planned to fully include participants through Zoom. Registration is required for both in-person and zoom participants. Please register by contacting Dan Barrett at barrettdan@cogeco.ca or 905-732-7449.
BIO: Rev. Dr. Carol Kilby, author, retired United Church of Canada clergy, founder of the Gaia Centre for Eco-Spirituality and Sustainable Work, ritualist, storyteller, grandma, quilter and evolutionary, is a student of life. Our guest for Advent and Epiphany, she is passionate that we recognize the planetary emergency for what it can be. A call for the evolution of religion, rituals, and mission and an opportunity to ground our faith in the newest science and oldest wisdom of creation itself. “In this climate emergency, our traditional stories from the Hebrew-Christian Bible and the new story from modern science make for powerful dance partners, stronger and more relevant together than apart.” www.carolkilby.com