Faith Formation encompasses:
- Nurturing the practice of lifelong Christian education as key to faithful discipleship and witness
- Encouraging and equipping communities of faith for their ministry with children, youth and young adults by resourcing networks of leadership.
- Recruiting leadership and assisting with annual event(s) for children, youth and young adult ministry
- Resourcing United Church camps in their development of United Church faith formation curriculum and worship and their commitment to best practices
- Relating to and being a resource as requested for The U.C.W. (United Church Women) and A.O.T.S. (As One That Serves)

Kathy Douglas
Minister, Faith Formation
Phone: 226-407-4308
Cell: 519-441-0656
Kathy works with children, youth and young adults, supporting them in various programs and faith-forming events. Many youth are nurtured into leadership roles. Kathy also works with camps and United Church Women groups.
Serves in: Antler River Watershed, Western Ontario Waterways and Horseshoe Falls Regional Councils
Location: Teleworks from home and spends time in the regional council.
Role: Kathy encourages and connects communities of faith with matters of faith and justice and the regional council in youth and young adult ministry and matters of faith formation..
Contact Kathy about: Camping & Campus Chaplaincy Ministries; Faith Formation- Children, Youth, Young Adult and Adult Christian Education; Social and Eco-Justice Ministries; Mission & Support Grants, Support to Pastoral Care Teams and Music Ministry Leadership: United Church Women (UCW) and resource to the Discipleship & Justice Commission.
Youth and Young Adults
The Youth category includes all those who are of high-school age, and young adult refers to those between 18 to 30 years of age. Watch for programming and events that relate to faith formation support. education and connections for leadership in youth ministry:
- Youth Rally 2020: Escape! Register now (deadline is April 9)
Thursday, April 23 – Sunday, April 26, held at Pearce-Williams Christian Centre - Rendez-Vous
- Confirmation PLUS
Contact the Faith Formation Minister, Kathy Douglas, to get assistance setting up a network or cluster for Youth Ministry in your neighbourhood.
Children’s Ministry
Children’s ministry includes programming and events, connection and education in children’s ministry: Sunday mornings, Vacation Bible Schools and camps, day camps and curriculums
- Kids Across the Regions in June 2020: A justice based camp offered in a wonderful camping ministry.
- Sunday morningprogramming
- Vacation Bible Schools and camps
- Day camps
- Curriculums
- All Ages Worship
Contact the Faith Formation Minister, Kathy Douglas, to get assistance setting up a network or cluster for Children’s Ministry in your neighbourhood.
United Church Summer Camps
We are blessed with 11 United Church camps across the Antler River Watershed, Horseshoe Falls and Western Ontario Waterways regions that offer amazing faith formation and leadership opportunities.
- Cave Springs
- Ryerson
- Camp Bimini
- Sliver Lake United Church Camp
- Camp Menesetung
- Lambton United Church Centre
- Geestwood Camp & Education Centre
- Pearce Williams Summer Camp & Retreat Facility
- Kenesserie Camp
- Camp Keemokee
- Camp Tanner
The Connection Network for United Church of Canada Camps, Education & Retreat Centres is the Outdoor Ministries Institute Canada.
Many of our church communities support and run Summer Day Camps, VBS, PA Day programs, etc.
- Check out your local church for details. If you need support getting one up and running, contact Kathy Douglas.
A.O.T.S.: As One That Serves
AOTS is a men’s service club that is affiliated with The United Church of Canada but is open to all men on a broad ecumenical basis.
U.C.W.: United Church Women
Supporting and connecting women across the United Church within regions and nationally for programs, education and events. ARW, HF and WOW regions all have active Regional UCW Executives, who support local UCW community of faith units and individual UCW members. See the UCW webpage.
Contact the Faith Formation Minister, Kathy Douglas, to get assistance setting up a network or cluster for Adult Faith Formation in your neighbourhood.